Web 2.0 Easy Traffic


Web 2.0 has brought a huge number of new ways for you to promote your product or service. Due to features like blogs or social bookmarking services, promoting yourproduct is no longer limited to banner ads.

Featuring your product on a blog or a podcast with large audience, getting a lot of bookmarks to your website on a service like del.icio.us,being mentioned in an article with a high number of digs at digg.com – all these make for a new wave of advertising.

This also means that it is even easier to get more traffic to your website – but remember: if you do not channel this traffic correctly, through a well-designed page andcorrectly organized information, it won't help. You will get thousands of visitors daily, but no orders, and this is not what you want.

We already mentioned part of how Web 2.0 has changed the way products aredistributed when we talked about how clients have changed. But this is not the end of the change. Web 2.0 saw the advent of a new and interesting scheme: the super-distribution.Essentially, super-distribution means that you allow a product (usually a file, since it can be easily copied) to be distributed for free, under certain restrictions, between various people.

This may sound dumb or close to piracy, but it is not, because it grants you a huge audience. If you sell something to one of your clients, your client's friends will also benefit from it. If they are happy with your product, you have not won one happy client, but a dozen happy clients – and they may all purchase from you in the future.

Essentially, superdistribution is only one of the ways of making sales happen indirectly – but we will see more ways to do this soon.

If you want to read more about this ebook, please do so by downloading here - "Web 2.0 Easy Traffic" (2.37mb)


razifembi said...

amacam...dapat membantu x menda nih?

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